Classic Shell Needs To Configure Rating: 8,5/10 4086 reviews

Running Windows 10 Home edition Whenever I start my computer I get a message stating that Classic Shell needs to configure itself for the new operating system, but when I attempt to let it I get. Classic shell development stopped in December of last year, due to the frequency of Windows updates breaking the shell. Check this link I suggest looking for an alternative View entire discussion ( 3 comments). I have been using Classic Shell since Windows 8 which came on my 2-n-1 laptop. I then installed it on my Windows 10 desktop (which came with Win 7) and also use it on my Windows 10 laptop. The makers of Classic Shell/Open-Shell are the perfect customer-oriented developers that I appreciate. I can’t stand using Windows 10 — period! May 07, 2019 Open-Shell is not being installed as an update or a new version, that was already done, it's the Windows Update that causes the installed version of Open-Shell to no longer work properly and need a repair. Open-Shell auto starts on login to the OS like it normally would, notices that part was broken and offers to repair the part that was broken.

Classic Shell Needs To Configure Itself For The New Operating System Fix

We no longer set up Classic Shell as the default user environment on Windows 10 (due to freezing sessions that we discovered after rollout). If you are a user with an old Classic Shell setup (or decided to experiment with it), this is how you can disable it.


To disable Classic Shell starting on login

  1. Right click on the Start Menu Icon.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Check Show all settings on the classic shell settings window.
  4. Click on the General behavior tab.
  5. Un-check “Start automatically for this user.”
  6. Finally to close Classic shell now, right click on the Start Menu Icon and click Exit.

After Classic Shell is closed, the Windows Start Menu may be slow to respond or unpopulated with many items. This is one of the reasons we installed Classic Shell, but it should be temporary after a couple logins.

What Is Classic Shell Needs To Configure

Classic shell needs to configure windows 10

Classic Shell Needs To Configure For The New Operating System

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