Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat Rating: 9,7/10 8465 reviews
  1. Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat Codes
  2. Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat Sheet
  3. Elder Scrolls Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat
  4. The Elder Scrolls Iv Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat
  5. Oblivion Carry Weight Mod
  6. Infinite Carry Weight Oblivion
  7. Oblivion Cheats Xbox 360

  • Activate Sealed Doors and Distant Switches

Some doors sealed, rusted, or enchanted. You can't normaly access these doors even if unlocked. Enter the cheat menue by pressing ` then click on the door and type 'activate' NOTE: you must be right by the door. This also works on switches, levers, etc. even from a distance.

The gold glitch cheat is currently on here but it is possible to improve on this. You don't need to break in if you enter Dorians house in the day. He will still tell you that he doesn't need any more friends. Well first of all, you obviously have to be level 17 or higher when you close an Oblivion.

  • To use cheat codes from the developers console command you must press the key in the upper left hand corner of the keyboard. It's called the tilde key. To use a code such as “kill” you need to get close to the NPC you want dead then press tild key, then mouse click.
  • Nov 19, 2019 There are a ton of Oblivion cheat codes available. Below is a master list. Use any of the cheat codes in-game by entering them into the console. Call up the console by pressing the tilde key. In some cases, you might need to select the character or object you want to use the cheat on with the mouse while the console is open.
  • I want to increase my carry weight (encumbrance) but I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried ModPCA, Player.ModAV, Player.ModPCA Encumbrance 500. The console doesn't complain but nothing happens. It's still at 200.
  • Carry weight is a crucial metric in Skyrim that dictates how much weight your character can carry. A larger carry weight means your character can carry more items. Thankfully, there are ways to increase your carry weight with cheats (console commands). This guide assumes you know how to open and use the console (press the ` or key to open).
Submitted by Psychosis
  • Alchemy

Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat Codes

To make Posions and potions, and to raise your alchemy level, do the following: Buy (Or harvest) as many ingredients as you can, get allt he main alchemy tools(not sure what all of them are)the beter the level of them, the beter stuff you'll make beter stuff and more things,(along with being able to tell what the diffrent effects are of the items):
Posions are all the things together that are somthing like 'damage fatige 50pts for 16secounds.' or 'Drain health on target.' those ingredents together make posions.
Potions are made by adding the good ingredients together, were it says like 'Fortify health 100pts on self.' or 'Cure Common Aliment'. Those together will make potions.
You can mix these together, adn get all diffrent resulets, depending on witch is domominet. Like if you have 5 loafs of bread and 20 rats Meat, the Potion/Posion you'll mkae will be a Posion.
There are also other ways to get your alcehmy up, eat the ingreddients that you already have, it'll get it up, not very fast, but it'll still go up. Submitted by Blades
  • All game items

First, you need to have the god mode cheat on. You will need it on because you`le be carrying well over 1,000 pounds. Begin by pressing ~ . Then type coc testinghall and press enter. You will automaticly fast travle to a room with many doors. Feel free to brows. Sience you have god mode on, TAKE IT ALL!!! To exit, walk through the door in the center marked 'hawkaven', and carry on with your old business. Submitted by Allweaponsandmore!
  • Cheat Mode

Press ~ during game play to display the console window:
Effect - Code
Add 100 lockpicks - player.additem 0000000a '100'
Add 100 skeleton keys - player.additem 0000000b '100'
Add 100 repair hammers - player.additem 0000000c '100'
Add 100 gold - player.additem 0000000f '100'
All map locations shown - togglemapmarkers
Change your gender - sexchange
Change your birthsign - showbirthsignmenu
Change your class - showclassmenu
Complete all quest stages- caqs
Spawn indicated item - additem <[item number]
Get indicated spell - addspell [spell number]
Give all spells to player - psb
God mode, if nothing is targeted - tgm
Force a level up - advlevel
Force skill level up - advskill [skill] Scrolls
Free camera movement - tfc
List console commands - help
Kill selected NPC target; suicide if nothing is targeted - kill
Moves to current quest target - movetoquesttarget
Quit game immediately - qqq
Set player level - player.setlevel [1-255]
Set all quest stages - completeallqueststages
Set hair color - hairtint [red] [green] [blue]
Spawn indicated item - player.additem [item code] 1
Save game - savegame [filename]
Set fog start and end depths - setfog [start] [end]
Show sign selection screen - showbirthsignmenu
Show class selection screen - showclassmenu
Show quest log - showquestlog
Show current quest log - showquestlog 0
Show completed quest log - showquestlog 1
Show current quest targets - showquesttargets
Show name/race/appearance selection screen - showracemenu
Teleport - player.coc [destination name]
Teleport3 - coc [destination name]
Toggle full help - tfh
Toggle grass - tg
Toggle NPC conversation subtitles - showsubtitle
Toggle AI - tai
Toggle combat AI - tcai
Toggle no clipping - tcl
Toggle AI detection - tdetect
Toggle debug display - tdt
Toggle land - tll
Toggle leaves - tlv
Toggle menus - tm
Toggle fog of war - togglefogofwar
Oblivion console codesToggle sky - ts
Toggle trees - tt
Toggle wireframe - twf
Toggle water - tws
Unlock selected locked door or container - unlock
Window with the full game scene graph - ssg
  • Free Lockpicks

Save your game by a door. Auto lockpick the door until it opens. Right before the door opens, hit [Escape] and load the save game. The game will load with you inside the door with all the lockpicks you had before lockpicking and any items from that save.
  • Get The Umbra (ultimate weapon)

First, pres ~ to bring up the cosole then you must type in player.additem 00026b22 '1' and the umbra will be added to your inventory, ENJOY! Submitted by ElMariachi
  • Infinite Money

First, goto the Imperial City Talos Plaza District. Then, open your map (the one that shows the names of all the buildings in your current location), and find Dorian's house. Go inside his house and bribe him all the money you can, then make him upset by making disposition going down by playing the disposition mini game, and repeat the bribing process. Once you've bribed him a good amount of money, such as 1000 Gold, kill him as fast as you can.
A good way to kill him without allowing him to run away is to push him in the other room and stand in the doorway while attacking him. After he's dead, goto his body and keep clicking on his gold. DO NOT select 'Take All' as it will ruin the glitch, just keep clicking his gold. You'll get the amount of gold he has on his body every time you click it, and he will never run out of it.
  • Infinite Money

In the early stages of the main quest, go on horse to the female Orc waiting ouside Kvatch. Try and sell her your equipped weapon and it will say 'Cannot Unequip this weapon.' However, you will be given the gold as if you sold it. You can constantly do this for unlimited gold.
  • Need a spot to hold all that extra gear? Use your horse!

First you must complete the Dark Brotherhood quests up until you receive Shadowmare as a reward. Shadowmare is special in that he cannot be killed (only knocked unconscious). Knock Shadowmare unconscious (you don’t need to be quick about it, he won’t fight back). As soon as he drops, you are given the option to access his body via the spacebar. Open him up and
dump your extra junk into him (open him then go to your inventory button and single click items to move them over). Shadowmare will pop back up after a few seconds, and you’ll both be good to go.
Whenever you need to access your gear, simply knock him out again. I’ve used this trick for a while, and it appears that Shadowmare has no weight limit, and items remain forever. This trick won’t work on normal horses because they die (and ~ resurrect clears their inventory).
Sometimes after Shadowmare wakes up, he begins to slowly walk away, to stop this, jump on him and quick transport to a location; this fixes him. Also, be careful not to get onto a regular horse, this messes up your tie to Shadowmare, and is a good way to accidentally lose him (not sure where he defaults to). Submitted by Krypt1
  • Permanent +50 to Acrobatics

First you need to get the Thieves Guild quest 'Boots of Springheel Jack' and complete the majority of the quest, retrieving the Boots. Do not, however, return the boots to the Grey Fox.
Upon obtaining the Boots, equip them to get a +50 Acrobatics bonus, then travel to the Shrine of Sanguine and begin the Daedric Quest there. Follow through that quest, and allow yourself to be arrested by Leyawiin guards when they try. All your possesions will be taken, except for key items (which include the Boots).
Stay your time in jail, and upon exiting, check your inventory. You should still possess the boots, but when you try to equip them the game will tell you 'You cannot equip this item at this time'. However, if you check your current enhancements, the +50 to Acrobatics will still be there! You can now wear other footwear, but still have the bonus from the Boots of Springheel Jack.
  • Private zoo

Ever wanted your own private goblin zoo? I know i have. Well ill tell ya how. Go to the fort near the old alyeid ruin of vilverin.urasek if im not mistaken. When you get in there dont kill the goblins only the marauders just press ~(tilde key)(next to 1)and type kill to instantly kill them. Lead the goblins in the cell and run out quickly and shut the door. When it closes simply press ~ again and type lock 100.thatll make it so they cant get out and you cant get in without pressing ~ again and typeing unlock. You should have your own private goblin zoo.(note,you can choose to resurrect the mararuders and watching them try to kill the goblins(might wana be invisible to make sure they dont attack you). Submitted by Obliviaxe
  • Ultimate power(and cloneing)

Firstly to Get 'God mode' press the tilde key (~) and type 'tgm' for all spells type 'psb' to make spells type 'showspellmaking' to teleport type 'coc' then your destination example:coc brumamagesguild ---now to clone yourself or other things like wolves or guards or anything really-just target it after pressing tilde(~) and type createfullactorcopy and there you have it..a clone!!!!
p.s. a good spell to make after you get the cheats described working is 'command all' set it to command creature and humanoid 25 magnitude and 120 duritation and either touch or target for the spells cast effect-------Obliviaxe--------- Submitted by Obliviaxe
  • Unknown effect 'Ownership'

I have figured out a code that has something to do with ownership of objects. Go into the Cheat menu by pressing ` then click on an object,(i.e. apple, bow, horse) then type in 'player.isowner' or just 'isowner'. it will sya something like '(name) is not the owner' or if you have the shadowmare it will say '(name) is the owner.
I havent seemed to figure out what it really does though. WeightSubmitted by Psychosis
  • Unlock Print Screen (PRTSCN) button

There is a setting in the INI file: bAllowScreenShot=0
change it to: bAllowScreenShot=1
Also, two related items for the screenshots:Cheat
There are two INI files, one in the game folder called 'Oblivion_default.ini', this is the one it uses to generate the real one:
My DocumentsMy GamesOblivionOblivion.ini
Edit the first one if you want to default to having screenshots on by default for all users. The settings it uses at runtime are the ones from My Documents folder.
After you edited the INI file, you can press PRTSCN button and Oblivion will write a BMP file to your game folder.
  • Get exclusive Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens

Get exclusive Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The trainers and cheats at Cheat Happens.


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Unlimited Gold Glitch:
Go to the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City. Find a house owned by a men named Dorian Dorian's House in the southeast section of the district. Break into his house and find him. When he tells you to leave, kill him. To loot him, do not press X to take all. Instead, take each item individually, finishing with the gold, which will not run out once it hits 8 pieces. Just keep selecting the gold he is carrying and keep pressing A as usual. Do this repeatedly, and the number of gold pieces remaining will freeze when it gets down to 8 gold pieces. It will not go any lower, but will just keep giving you as much gold as desired.

Improved gold glitch:
The gold glitch cheat is currently on here but it is possible to improve on this. You don't need to break in if you enter Dorians house in the day. He will still tell you that he doesn't need any more friends. Use Persuade and bribe him up as high as you can and then kill him. Then loot him item by item saving the gold till last where you will get anywhere from 110 -200 gold at a time for as long as you continue pressing A rather than 8 gold at a time. Giving him gold before you kill him makes it much easier to acumulate a large amount of gold quickly'p>

Useful advice:
This isn't so much a cheat or clue, but just some useful advice. If you are just starting this game out, or having some real problems, your best bet is, after you get out of the Imperial Sewers, is to not look at the Main Quest at all. You should attempt/try to beat all of the Mages, Fighters, Thieves Guilds, Dark Brotherhood Missions, and Arena Missions. Doing this would bump your level up from 3 to 30, depending on how you work at it. Also adding in Daedric, Master Trainer, Miscellaneous, Freeform Quests would surely bump you up a ton of levels. This would leave you left with only the Main Quest, which you could breeze by. I only did a few Freeform and Miscellaneous Quests, and I did all of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood Missions, and I was equipped with a way higher level than the first time around, new enchanted/unenchanted weaponry, jewelry, and clothing, and also allowed me to explore many new places that I could fast travel to when it came to that in the Main Quest'p>

Duplicating Items:
1. Take your bow and pull an arrow back.
2. Press B while holding your arrow back.
3. Press another set of arrows until it says you cannot switch arrows.
4. Pick an item: ex. apple
5. drop the item'p>Money Starting Out:
First of all I use the duplication item glitch as well as the 'kill Dorian' money glitch to get a head start on the game. After that, I'm glitch free. You will need about 500'000 to 750'000 gold and you're pretty much set.

For the Dorian money glitch pre-patch you basically do this:

In the Talos district of the Imperial City is the house of a man named Dorian. Enter the house and kill Dorian. When looting his body, highlight his gold and press A and keep on pressing. His gold will never run out, giving you access to infinite funds. You must do this all at that one time since his house will reset after three days and your money source will disappear'p>

Physical Damage Immunity:
Now, in terms of being a god, you need to have the following:

Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat Sheet

100 Reflect Damage: All melee attacks will deal zero points of damage with 100 damage reflected back on attacker

100 Resist Magic: All Magic Fails against you. This includes Lightning, Fireball, etc.

You can substitute 100 REFLECT Magic but that does require glitching. But you can be REFLECT Damage and RESIST magic 100 legitimately. Here's how:

To get 100 Reflect Damage, 1/3 of the puzzle is easy. Simply complete the quest 'Sins of the Father' and return the HonorBlade of Chorral to the Steward of Chorral instead of the thief to get the ESCUTCHEON OF CHORRAL which is certainly the best shield in the game. It automatically gives you 35 Reflect Damage right there.

Now where are you going to get the other 65? Unfortunately Reflect Damage is too powerful an effect for you to enchant an item. You have to find the other magic items fair and square. In the game there are only THREE items that give you a large enough Reflect Damage effect to be worthwhile.

Elder Scrolls Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat

They are:
1. Ring of the Iron Fist: 33 Reflect Damage
2. Amulet of Axes: 33 Reflect Damage
3. Necklace of Swords: 33 Reflect Damage

You can wear TWO rings and only ONE amulet. So after getting the Ring of the Iron Fist, you can wear either the Amulet of Axes OR the Necklace of Swords. Either is fine but you can't wear both. For the mathematically challenged out there, the total Reflect Damage when wearing the Ring of the Iron Fist, an Amulet of Axes or Necklace of Swords, and the Escutcheon of Chorral is 101 Reflect Damage.

So there you have it .. all melee damage reflects back on the attacker. The consequences of this are far-reaching. For one thing, not only do you not get damaged at all but your enemies essentially murder themselves. Also you armor hit points never go down so you never really need to repair your armor at all

Levels and Item Proficiency:
The tricky part is in GETTING the Ring of the Iron Fist and an Amulet of Axes or Necklace of Swords. For one thing, treasure in ES4O is LEVELLED so you won't get any of these goodies until you are AT LEAST level 25. To be safe, you may have to level up to 30. Even at the right level, treasures found in dungeons are RANDOM. That means in any given dungeon your chance of finding one of thes bad boys is very low. There ARE a few places in the game where it is more likely you will succeed.

For instance I found a Necklace of Swords fair and square in a treasure chest in Rockmill Cave. Once you take a treasure, you have to wait 72 hours for the contents of the dungeon to respawn. Often by saving outside the entrance to the dungeon you can continously load and reload your save until you get an item you want. The contents of any dungeon's treasure chests are set WHEN YOU OPEN THE DOOR to the dungeon. Hence save outside the door and keep trying.

This is most assuredly VERY frustrating because there are SO MANY items in the game. You are looking really for 3/100 possible magic items which gets down to either 1/100 or 2/100 after you find either the Ring or one of the Amulet or Necklaces'p>

The Elder Scrolls Iv Oblivion Carry Weight Cheat

Fast Item Randomizing:
The Temple of the Ancestor Moths provides the much needed solution to this random treasure problem.

This is part of the Thieves' Guild quest Turning a Blind Eye. It is the first quest the Gray Fox hands to you.

In it you are 'd with stealing Savilla's Stone from the Temple of the Ancestor Moths. After a pretty standard dungeon crawl you will end up outside a door which leads into a cavern. Inside the cavern is the item Savilla's Stone and stone's guardian: A Blind Monk Prelate.

Normally you go in, kill the Blind Monk, and jet out of there with Savilla's Stone to complete the quest and advance in the Thieves' Guild storyline.

In doing so, many will miss out on the most important trick in the game. Why? Because the Blind Monk Prelate ALWAYS carries a high powered ring or amulet.

Now WHICH ring or amulet you get is completely random. But it will ALWAYS BE A RING OR AMULET. Once again, for the mathematically challenenged, let me explain. The chances of getting a RING or AMULET you want is obviously A LOT higher when the target ONLY gives a ring or amulet rather than ANY item in the game.

Even better, the item that the Blind Monk Prelate carries is determined when you open the door to the cavern, NOT the door to the dungeon. That means you can save right outside the door. Then rush in, kill the monk, check his body to see which ring or amulet he is carrying and then reset if you don't like what you see. True the weaker rings and amulets will tend to show up at a more frequent clip than a powerful one but not by much. You WILL score very powerful rings and amulets if you do this.

Obviously once you get a ring or amulet that you want say an Amulet of Axes or Necklace of Swords or Ring of the Iron Fist take the loot and exit the cavern via the OTHER exit: up the ladder and you'll be outside the Temple of the Ancestor Moths.

Now .. are you ready for this? The Blind Monk Prelate and Savilla's Stone are NOT unique. If you wait 72 hours, both regenerate. More importantly the LOOT on the Prelate Priest also regenerates.

So here's the sequence: Go through the dungeon, stop outside the door to the cavern, SAVE, go through the cavern and kill the Blind Monk Prelate, check loot. Continue until finding item you want. Took me about 15 minutes to get an Amulet of Axes. Exit, save the game, wait 72 hours, go back into dungeon, go to the door to the cavern, SAVE again, and then go in and kill the Blind Priest and check loot. Reload and do this over and over until you get the Ring of the Iron Fist Necklace of Swords of course would be useless as I already had an Amulet of Axes. It took me about a half hour to do that. In less than ONE HOUR, I had 100 Reflect Damage.

In less than FOUR hours I had every powerful ring and amulet in the game including:

Mundane Ring
Ring of Perfection
Ring of Vitality
Ring of Skimming
Ring of Wizardry
Ring of War
Ring of Treachery
Ring of Stamina
Frost, Flame, AND Storm Rings 100 resistance to frost, flame, and shock respectively etc'p>

Magicka Damage Immunity:
Now for Resist Magic 100, this is actually pretty easy. For one thing since you only need the Escutcheon of Chorral and then one ring and one amulet to get to 101 Reflect Damage, that means you have one hand left to put a ring on. I chose the incredibly powerful MUNDANE RING which gives you 35 Reflect Spell and 50 Resist Magic.

Oblivion Carry Weight Mod

The rest of the 50 you can get in any manner you wish. There is actually a SIGIL stone which has the effect RESIST MAGIC on it and if you get one at level 17 or above the Sigil Stone will be Transcendent Level meaning that using it on any piece of armor or clothing will enchant it with Resist Magic 20. Get 3 Sigil Stones with Resist Magic and enchant 3 pieces of armor of clothing and you will get 60 percent Resist Magic. Add that to the 50 Resist Magic you get from wearing the Mundane Ring and you have 110 Resist Magic.

How do you get 3 Sigil Stones with Resist Magic on it? Well first of all, you obviously have to be level 17 or higher when you close an Oblivion Gate. The sigil stone you get when you close an Oblivion Gate is random so I just save right before picking it up and then reset and reload if it isn't what I wanted. Do this 3 times. Alternatively do it ONCE and then just duplicate it to get the other ones necessary.

And THAT is how you get a character with 101 Reflect Damage and 110 Resist Magic at the same time .. essentially making you unkillable by anyone in the game short of a Bow and Arrow. Problem with that is that it is neither magical at least the base damage of the bow and arrow nor melee based damage so it still affects you. Bowmen are also about 350,000 easier to kill than high level opponents, so I'll take my chances

Infinite Carry Weight Oblivion

Autodesk inventor fusion download. Instant Kill Spell:
I made an instant kill spell. Here is how I did it. Finish the first 7 mages guild quests, or until given access to spell making. Then start up the spell making screen, select drain health, select either touch or target, then simply make the magnitude 100. Keep in mind it costs 57 gold and only uses 19 of magic. And it requires a destruction skill of 25. Enemys who have a high destruction defence might resist this spell.

Oblivion Cheats Xbox 360

Level glitch:
You have 7 major skills right? Each time you level any for a total of 10 levels you go up a main level. Once your major skills are maxed out you have to be a little infamus at this part. Go around killing ONLY GUARDS once you have a high bounty go to jail and wait out the time. Its random on what skills get decreased but if a major skill decreases simply level them up again and it counts towards another level. I'v got my character 100 in Strength, Intelligence, Willpower, Agility, Speed, Endurance, Personality, and Luck by repeating this process

Arrow duplication glitch:
The current arrow duplication glitch no longer works if you installed the latest update, but there still is a duplication glitch that works.

1. Get more than one type of the same scroll the more the better
2. Go to the 'B' menu and equip the scroll.
3. DO NOT LEAVE THE MENU Go to the item you wish to duplicate and drop it.
4. Depending on how many scrolls you have that is how many items are duplicated in front of you.

I suggest using this with two different scrolls and keep duplicating the scrolls until you have a lot of one, or both. That way in a matter of minutes you have 100 scrolls instead of just 2 or 3. for that when the scrolls are dropped only pick up one or two.